Symmetry Therapy -- A Non-medical Awareness-based Study based on Being Conscious of the Symmetries in the Body.

Creative Virtue Press/Telical Books

Symmetry Therapy -- A Non-Medical Awareness-Based Practice of Being Conscious of Symmetries in the Body.

I relax the area around my teeth
I relax my tongue
I relax my lips
I relax my lower lip
I relax my upper lip
I relax my chin
I relax the left side of my chin
I relax the right side of my chin
I relax the area around my eyes
I relax my eyelids
I relax my eyebrows
I relax the top of my head
I relax in my nostrils
I relax around my left nostril
I relax around my right nostril
I relax my belly button
I relax around my belly button
I relax my buttocks
I relax my Adam's apple
I relax in my groin
I relax in my waist
I relax in my stomach
I relax in my chest
I relax my left chest
I relax my right chest
I relax the center of my chest
I relax in my ribs
I relax in my right ribs
I relax in my left ribs
I relax in my neck
I relax in my mouth
I relax in my forehead
I relax in my temples
I relax in my left temples
I relax in my right temples
I relax in my elbows
I relax in my fingers
I relax in my knees
I relax in my shoulders
I relax in the top of my shoulders
I relax in the top of my right shoulder
I relax in the top of my left shoulder
I relax the bottom of my right shoulder
I relax the bottom of my left shoulder
I relax in my thighs
I relax in the arch of my upper back
I relax my ear area, my hands, and the middle of my forehead
I relax the muscles around the sitting bones
I relax my lips and shoulders
I relax my ankles and wrists
I relax my nose and between eyes
I relax my stomach
I relax in my feet
I relax in my left big toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my right big toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my right pinkie toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my right ring toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my right middle toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my right index toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my left pinkie toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my left ring toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my left middle toe and all the areas that hold it tense
I relax in my ball of my left foot
I relax in my ball of my right foot
I relax in the outer edge of my left foot
I relax in the outer edge of my right foot
I relax in the inner edge of my right foot relax in the inner edge of my left foot
I relax the tips of the toes of my right foot
I relax the tips of the toes of my left foot
I relax the heel of my right foot
I relax the heel of my left foot
I relax in the palm of my left foot
I relax in the palm of my right foot
I relax my left thigh bone
I relax my right thigh bone
I relax my right thigh muscle
I relax my left thigh muscle
I relax my right thigh muscle on the bottom
I relax my right thigh muscle on the top
I relax my left thigh muscle on the bottom
I relax my left thigh muscle on the top
I relax the complete symmetrical circle that is my hip bone
I relax my left knee cap
I relax my right knee cap
I relax the muscles inside my left knee cap
I relax the muscles inside my right knee cap
I relax my toes of my left foot
I relax the muscles of my spine
I relax the bones of my upper spine
I release the muscles around my spine
I release the muscles around my lower spine
I release the muscles around my upper spine
I release the muscles of my left shoulder
I release the muscles of my right shoulder
I release the muscles of my right eye
I release the muscles of my left eye
I release the muscles of the right side of my head
I release the muscles of the left side of my head
I release the muscles of the right side of my neck
I release the muscles of the left side of my neck
I release the muscles of the center of my neck
I release the muscles of the center of the front of my neck
I release the muscles of the center of the back of my neck
I release the muscles of the center of my right hand
I release the muscles of the center of my left hand
I relax the center of my left hand
I relax the center of my right hand
I relax the pinkie of my left hand
I relax the pinkie of my right hand
I relax my shoulders, shoulder blades and neck
I relax my fingers, toes, hands and feet
I relax my elbows and hips
I relax my spine, belly button and chest
I relax my mouth, eyes and ears
I relax my sex glands, ribs and cheeks
I relax left buttock
I relax right buttock

All material is copyrighted 2006 by Robert Pearson. Permission is given to distribute this information, including audio files, after contacting the author, provided it is done free of charge and in a non-exclusive manner. All other rights reserved.

Creative Virtue Press/Telical Books